Student and map of the world

We do not currently offer IELTS in Syria. However you can register and sit your test at our regional centres. You can use our online registration system to find up to date information about test locations, dates and fees. Click on the links below to access the online registration system for your preferred regional centre:

Places are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so we strongly recommend that you register online at least two months prior to the test date. Please note, once all the test places have been assigned and the session is full, the test will no longer appear on our online registration system.

You will receive an email before the test date confirming the venue for your test and the timetable.

Please note: Your listening, reading and writing test will be completed on the same day. Your speaking test will take place on the same day, or up to a week before or after your main test day.

If you have any questions about applying for a test, or require any further information, please contact the regional centre that you wish to book with.