A hand writing on a paper, while the other hand is holding the paper in place

The first time I heard about the LASER project was through the National Assistance Fund. I had been searching in local colleges for a suitable course but unfortunately, I hadn't been able to find anything suitable. Although I did take one course called ‘life cycle’ about how to deal with people around me, my biggest challenge was my financial situation.

Thanks to the LASER project, I received a scholarship to register on a culinary arts course at Khawarizmi College. I really liked the opportunity that this gave me, and I benefited greatly from it. I learned a lot of new things related to the kitchen and I will have a certificate as well. This will increase my chances to find a job in the future. It will also help me find a job either at a hospital or restaurant. 

In addition, I have been able to develop myself confidence, find new friends, and become more self-reliant. I am sure I will face a lot of challenges working in restaurants due to the pressure it puts on my eyes (I have bad eyesight).

I would encourage all those who have the chance to continue or to complete their education to seize this opportunity as it will allow them to fulfil your dreams.

Khadija Abu Mahfouz is Jordanian and studied Cooking Arts

See also